Monday 25 March 2013

So I bought a juicer

This is my first post on my new blog so I figure the best place to start is at the beginning... probably not right at the beginning of time or the beginning of me or anything but the beginning of my juice journey.

It's all very recent. In January this year my Mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and I was devastated. It floored me and apart from feeling incredibly scared I felt completely helpless and out of control so as probably many people do in this situation I turned to Google.

I am generally conscious of 'you are what you eat' and completely believe it to be true. I am a Vegetarian and wannabe Vegan - originally because of ethical reasons but now also because I believe meat and dairy products whilst being completely unnecessary in our diet are unhealthy for you. I am not going to spend this blog preaching because I am not perfect. Alcohol also isn't good for you but I still drink that and I say wannabe Vegan because I am still struggling to give up chocolate and cheese but I'm working on it...

I am not and will never claim to know everything... at this point I know hardly anything. This blog is purely for my personal interests and to document my own juicing journey.

Anyway, this was only supposed to be a quick hello and I'm already going on... so, I turned to the Internet to see what I could do to help my mum and found tons of articles about diet, the immune system and how it relates to cancer and I decided this is how I could help... so I bought a juicer.

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