Although this blog is going to mainly be about the juicing, I also want it to include my Mum's journey because she is the reason I started in the first place. Also, reading other peoples stories have helped me so maybe this will help someone else?

My Mum found the lump before Christmas and went to the doctors who referred her to the Macmillan Centre at Leighton for tests on Friday 4th January. She really went through the mill with Mammograms, biopsies etc. Dad and I were there to help her through but to be honest, at this point I just thought it was all precautionary. Great, of course that she was getting checked out thoroughly but there was no doubt in my mind that she would definitely not have cancer. Not a chance. No way.
On Monday 14th January it was confirmed that my Mum had Breast Cancer. My Mum had already come to terms with it in her head and so was pretty calm. My Dad was well, grey is the word that comes to mind. The colour had completely drained from him. I was so frickin mad that I had missed the appointment because I couldn't find a stupid parking space at the hospital.
We went to my Mum's with all the brochures and leaflets about Breast Cancer, drank tea and laughed... Then I went home to Matt and cried a lot.
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