I started the Blog as a bit of a personal thing to document mine and my Mum's journey. If it inspired anyone to reconsider their eating habits then brilliant but for people to actually go out and buy a juicer because of it is just absolutely amazing!

When I mentioned this to my Mum she told me she's got two people to buy juicers over the last two weeks and even has a strategy... at this point I made her aware that Argos are not giving us any commission.
Apparently, when friends come round she lures them in with a nice sweet tasting pineapple juice then once they've submitted she socks them with a broccoli juice!
The juicing has been the constant over the last couple of months. We've had so many ups and downs with the cancer but this has been something really positive we can concentrate on.
One of the biggest downs after finding out the cancer had spread to the Lymph Nodes was when we received the results from an Ultra Sound scan and it showed grey areas on My Mum's Liver and Uterus. I think this may have been the worst day of my life so far. My Mum called and let me know the hospital had cancelled her op because they need to investigate further, so I told her that of course it is just routine and grey areas can mean anything and it is absolutely, most definitely going to be nothing.... then I put the phone down and physically began to shake - I felt so scared, helpless and out of control to the point where it actually hurt.
Luckily though, after a CT scan it turned out that the grey area on the Uterus were just cysts which were nothing to worry about - at this point we felt like we'd won the lottery. They weren't so sure about the Liver. They said they were also likely to just be cysts but that they needed to investigate further with an MRI scan but for now the Mastectomy could be rescheduled for the week after. We were back on track!
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